Record of certificates issued by church conferences at Far West, Missouri, December 1837-September 1838, and Nauvoo, Illinois, April 1840-February 1846, to ordained members of Church. This church record presumably contains copies of printed or handwritten certificates issued to those individuals. Bulk of certificates were issued to elders, but volume also includes certificates issued to teachers, priests, high priests, and at least one bishop. Certificates were recorded by clerks Oliver Cowdery, George W. Robinson, Hyrum Smith, Robert B. Thompson, James Sloan, and Willard Richards. Certificates appear on numbered pages 7-135 and include one issued at Great Salt Lake City, Utah, May 1862; volume includes name index for certificates issued at Far West. Volume also includes index to unspecified December 1838-January 1839 ordination record, sample text of language to be included in certificates, and report of 26 February 1836 meeting in Kirtland Temple at which Oliver Cowdery, Orson Hyde, and Sylvester Smith were appointed to draft rules and regulations concerning licenses and Thomas Burdick was appointed as clerk to record licenses. At back of volume is record of church members received in Nauvoo by certificate, circa 1841 through December 1845, kept initially by Sloan and subsequently by Richards as General Church Recorders; census of church members and their children living in Nauvoo in spring of 1842 and added to as other arrived in city, divided to show residents of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th wards; list of church members arrived in Nauvoo since 1841 and those baptized in city; and list of persons received in Nauvoo by certificate or letter, 1843-1846, kept by Willard Richards. Digital image files for this collection are also stored on external disk drives. See CR 100 1000 for access to these images.