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The frontier guardian

Call Number:
M205.1 F935 1849-1853

Current Place in Collection

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1850 April 03 (No. 5)
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Lee Fillmore letter, Burrville, Utah, to Joseph F. Smith

Fillmore will attend school after the holidays.
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Anonymous letter, Coalville, Utah

G. W. Farnsworth is recommended for a mission. He spent 3 months in the missionary preparatory course.
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F. A. Hammond letter to George Reynolds

Hammond requests clarification whether the mission call sent to F. B. Hammond Jr. was meant for the father or the son.
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Emil Hasler letter, Mt. Pleasant, Utah, to George Reynolds

Hasler declines a mission call due to family and financial circumstances.
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Andrew Kimball letter, Thatcher, Arizona, to the missionary committee

Kimball recommends Seth A. Merrill be released from his mission call due to poor health. His son will soon attend the missionary preparatory course and could then take his place as a missionary.
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Gustave H. Lindstrom letter, Benjamin, Utah, to George Reynolds

Lindstrom responds to a mission call to Scandinavia and reports on his health and financial situation. Includes a note to have him write again in a year.
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Anonymous letter

Ralph Minmoth requests to be released from his mission call for one year due to finances and his recent marriage.
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C. M. Peterson letter, St. Thomas, Nevada, to Joseph F. Smith

Peterson reports that after two years he is now ready to accept a mission call.
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John Steel letter, Ogden, Utah, to George Reynolds

Steel reports that his wife recently passed away and his finances have not yet improved since last writing, so he is still unable to serve a mission.
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Frank J. Stevens letter, Ogden, Utah, to George Reynolds

Stevens is willing to accept a mission call to California, but needs more time to prepare.
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