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Alan K. Manning history of Church in Venezuela, 2000

Call Number:
MS 16389

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MS 16389

Alan K. Manning history of Church in Venezuela

Account of beginning of missionary work in Venezuela, 1965; dedication of country by Marion G. Romney of Council of the Twelve Apostles in November 1966; and beginning of missionary work in Venezuelan cities of Maracaibo (1967), and Merida in (1968) written by Manning, an early Venezuelan missionary. History chronicles efforts of American business executive Carl E. Wilcox to hold Latter-day Saint services in Caracas, Venezuela, in 1965 and efforts of Central American Mission president Ted E. Brewerton to commence organized missionary work in Venezuela in 1966. Describes efforts of first four missionaries, Neil O. Gruwell, Floyd S. Baum, David C. Bell, and Frederick S. Podlesny, to establish Church in Caracas and their reaction to Venezuelan life and culture. Baptism of first members, Hernan and Natividad Acosta de Sepulveda, in February 1967 is also noted, as is visit of A. Theodore Tuttle of First Council of the Seventy in March 1967. Account also includes details of earthquake in Caracas, July 1967.
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