undefined undefined Church History Catalog | Record viewer | Record of members collection, 1836-1970

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Staff View

Record of members collection, 1836-1970

Call Number:
CR 375 8


Ward, branch, and mission membership records, arranged alphabetically by name of ward or branch for those units in stakes and by name of country or state for those units in missions. This collection (CR 375 8) is split across 25 sub-collections for ease of access.

Collection consists of record of members volumes through 1941 (when that recordkeeping system was replaced by another system) and Form E reports from 1907 through 1970. This particular film collection was prepared by the Historian's Office staff, who cut, rearranged, and spliced together portions of the LDS membership records microfilm collection belonging to what is now the Family History Library. Most, if not all, of the original membership records contained in this collection are held by the Archives Division of the Historical Department. Users should be aware that record of member volumes received by the Archives in recent years, as well as Form E reports for years after 1970, are not part of this series.

Individual volumes in this series may include membership and vital statistics; information about births, marriages, excommunications, disfellowshipments, and deaths; information about priesthood ordinances and actions; quorum records; names of missionaries and servicemen; and reports of emigration to the United States in the early years.



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