Description in journal format of Eckersley's 22 August 1841 conversion and his subsequent experiences as member of Church in England, including his missionary service, through 1851.
Additional record written by Eckersley's son-in-law, William Rigby, relates to Rigby's 1848 conversion in Manchester, England; his subsequent Church service there; 1853 immigration to Utah; work at Beehive House for Brigham Young; move to Lehi, Utah, and armed disputes there with Native Americans; 1857 experiences during LDS Reformation; 1858 arrival of United States military in Utah and departure from Lehi of numerous young women as "camp followers" with army. Account resumes in 1884 with Rigby living in Rexburg, Idaho, and Newton, Utah. Book also includes record of temple ordinances, baptisms, and other genealogical information.