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Affidavits about celestial marriage, 1869-1915

Call Number:
MS 3423

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MS 3423
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../Almera W. Johnson Smith Barton affidavit, 1883 August 1

Almera W. Johnson Smith Barton affidavit

Barton, daughter of Ezekiel and Julia Hills Johnson and sister to Benjamin F. Johnson, states that Joseph Smith taught her the principle of celestial marriage, including plurality of wives, and asked her to become his wife while she lived with her brother in Macedonia, Illinois. She also states that in the spring of 1843 she visited her sister Delcina Sherman in Nauvoo, at which time she was sealed to Joseph Smith. After Joseph Smith's death, she married Reuben Barton, by whom she had five daughters. Signed by Barton and notarized by Iron County (Utah) notary public John W. Brown.
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../Adeline Brooks Andrus Benson affidavit, 1869 September 5

Adeline Brooks Andrus Benson affidavit

Adeline Benson states that she was married or sealed to Ezra T. Benson as a plural wife by Hyrum Smith in the presence of Pamelia A. Benson on 27 April 1844 in Nauvoo, and that her sister Pamelia was sealed to Benson on 19 November 1843. Signed by Benson and witnessed by Cache County (Utah) justice of the peace David Crockett. Copied in folder 45, Book 2, page 42 and in folder 47, Book 2, page 42.
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../Pamelia Andrus Benson affidavit, 1869 September 6

Pamelia Andrus Benson affidavit

Pamelia Benson states that she was married or sealed to Ezra T. Benson by Hyrum Smith on 19 November 1843 in Nauvoo, in the presence of her sister Adeline B. Andrus, and that she also witnessed the marrying or sealing of Adeline to Benson on 27 April 1844. Signed by Benson and witnessed by Cache County (Utah) justice of the peace David Crockett. Copied in folder 45, Book 2, page 44 and in folder 47, Book 2, page 44.
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../Gideon Carter statement, 1893

Gideon Carter statement

Gideon Carter provides information about his association with Lyman Wight and his family as interviewed by B. H. Roberts. Carter tells about Wight's disagreement with Brigham Young in the fall of 1844, Wight's subsequent moves to Wisconsin and Texas, and practice of plural marriage. Carter states that he heard Wight relate that Joseph Smith taught plural marriage and gave him authority to perform them. Certified by notary public J. C. Christy in San Bernardino, California.
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../William Clayton letter, Salt Lake City, Utah to Madison M. Scott, 1871 November 11

William Clayton letter, Salt Lake City, Utah to Madison M. Scott

Clayton replies to Scott's inquiry about polygamy in response to Joseph Smith III's denial of his father's practice of plural marriage. Clayton details information relating to the copy of the revelation on celestial marriage he wrote as dictated by Joseph Smith on 12 July 1843. He states that Joseph Smith both taught and practiced plural marriage. Written and signed by Clayton.
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../William Clayton affidavit, 1874 February 16

William Clayton affidavit

Clayton gives background information about his relationship with Joseph Smith as his clerk. He lists several women he knew who were married to Joseph Smith and states that he was married to plural wives by Joseph Smith. Clayton also details events surrounding the 12 July 1843 plural marriage revelation copy. Written and signed by Clayton and notarized by Salt Lake County (Utah) notary public John T. Caine.
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../Reference note about Sarah M. Cleveland, undated

Reference note about Sarah M. Cleveland

Note references 1 May 1843 Times & Seasons entry about Cleveland located in volume 4, page 187, and January 1846 Nauvoo record listing Cleveland's sealing for eternity to Joseph Smith and for time to John Smith.
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../Howard Coray affidavit, 1882 June 12

Howard Coray affidavit

Coray states that Hyrum Smith apprised him and his wife about the revelation on marriage on 22 July 1843 and sealed them. Text written and signed by Coray and notarized by Salt Lake County (Utah) notary public James Jack.
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../Howard Coray affidavit, 1882 June 12

Howard Coray affidavit

Statement contains same information as folder 8, but preface is different. Affidavit signed by Coray and notarized by Salt Lake County (Utah) notary public James Jack.
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../Josephine Rosetta Fisher statement, 1915 February 24

Josephine Rosetta Fisher statement

Fisher, a daughter of Sylvia Porter Sessions Lyon, states that just prior to her mother's death in 1882, she informed her that she was Joseph Smith's daughter, Lyon having been sealed to Joseph Smith at the time that her husband was out of fellowship with the Church. Text in Andrew Jenson's handwriting and signed by Fisher. Witnessed by Joseph H. Grant and J. F. Fisher.
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